Modelling the singing voice. Gavin Smith, Tony Robinson, and Mahesan Niranjan. In 1999 Cambridge Music Processing Colloquium, 1999.
An overview of the SPRACH system for the transcription of broadcast news. Gary Cook, James Christie, Dan Ellis, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Yoshi Gotoh, Brian Kingsbury, Nelson Morgan, Steve Renals, Tony Robinson, and Gethin Williams. DARPA Broadcast News Workshop, 1999.
Connectionist acoustic modelling in the Abbot system. G. D. Cook, A. J. Robinson, and J. deM. Christie. Institute of Acoustics Autumn conference on Speech and Hearing, 1998.
Online cursive handwriting recognition. Andrew Senior and Tony Robinson. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1998.
Transcribing broadcast news with the 1997 Abbot system. Gary Cook and Tony Robinson. ICASSP, 1998.
The THISL spoken document retrieval system. Dave Abberley, Steve Renals, Gary Cook, and Tony Robinson. TREC-6 Proceedings, 1998.
Multilingual large vocabulary speech recognition: the European sqale project. S. J. Young, M. Adda-Dekker, X. Aubert, C. Dugast, J.-L. Gauvain, D. J. Kershaw, L. Lamel, D. A. Leeuwen, D. Pye, A. J. Robinson, H. J. M. Steeneken, and P. C. Woodland. Computer Speech and Language, 1997.
A low-bit-rate speech coder using adaptive line spectral frequency prediction. C. W. Seymour and A. J. Robinson. EUROSPEECH, 1997.
Pruning and growing hierarchical mixtures of experts. Steven R. Waterhouse and A. J. Robinson. IEE conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 1995.
Training MLPs via the expectation-maximisation algorithm. Gary Cook and Tony Robinson. IEE conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 1995.
Recent improvements to the Abbot large vocabulary CSR system. M. M. Hochberg, S. J. Renals, A. J. Robinson and G. D. Cook. ICASSP, 1995.
Spiral: A vibrotactile based speech listening aid. E. M. Ellis and A. J. Robinson. Third International Conference on Tactile Aids, Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants, 1994.
ABBOT: the CUED hybrid conectionist-HMM large vocabulary recognition system. M. M. Hochberg, S. J. Renals, and A. J. Robinson. SLS Workshop, 1994.
Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using a hybrid connectionist-HMM system. Mike Hochberg, Tony Robinson, Steve Renals and Dan Kershaw. ICSLP, 1994.
The development of file formats for very large speech corpora: Sphere and shorten. John Garofolo, Tony Robinson, and Jonathan Fiscus. ICASSP, 1994.
A neural network based, speaker independent, large vocabulary, continuous speech recognition system: The WERNICKE project. Tony Robinson, Luis Almeida, Jean-Marc Boite, Herve Bourlard, Frank Fallside, Mike Hochberg, Dan Kershaw, Phil Kohn, Yochai Konig, Steve Renals, Marco Saerens, João Paulo Neto, Nelson Morgan, and Chuck Wooters. EUROSPEECH, 1993.
A tactile system for speech listening based on phonetic representation. E. M. Ellis and A. J. Robinson. ESCA Conference on Speech and Language Technology for Disabled Persons, 1993.
Application of an auditory model to the computer simulation of hearing impairment: Preliminary results. C. Giguère, P. C. Woodland, and A. J Robinson. Canadian Acoustics, 1993.
Artifcial Neural Networks: The mole-grips of the speech scientist. Tony Robinson. Visual Representations of Speech Signals, John Wiley and Sons, 1993.
A multiple-speaker phoneme durational model. Christine Tuerk and Tony Robinson. Institute of Acoustics Autumn Conference on Speech and Hearing, 1992.
Two dimensional representation of phonemes of the English language. Errol M. Ellis and Tony Robinson. Institute of Acoustics Autumn Conference on Speech and Hearing, 1992.
The development of a connectionist multiple-voice text-to-speech system. Christine Tuerk, Peter Monaco, and Tony Robinson. ICASSP, 1991.
Recognition of continuous speech using recurrent error propagation networks. Tony Robinson. Proceedings of Voice Systems Worldwide, 1991.
Continuous speech recognition for the TIMIT database using neural networks. F. Fallside, H. Lucke, T. P. Marsland, P. J. O'Shea, M. St. J. Owen, R. W. Prager, A. J. Robinson, and N. H. Russell. ICASSP, 1990.
Dynamic reinforcement driven error propagation networks with application to game playing. Tony Robinson and Frank Fallside. Eleventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1989.
A dynamic connectionist model for phoneme recognition. A. J. Robinson and F. Fallside. Neural Networks from Models to Applications: Proceedings of nEuro'88, 1989.
Generalising the nodes of the error propagation network. A. J. Robinson, M. Niranjan, and F. Fallside. CUED/F-INFENG/TR.25, CUED, 1988.
A comparison of three connectionist models for phoneme recognition in continuous speech. F. Fallside, T. D. Harrison, R. W. Prager, and A. J. Robinson. ATR Workshop on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing, 1988.
A dynamic connectionist model for phoneme recognition: Preliminary results. A. J. Robinson and F. Fallside. CUED/F-INFENG/TR.14, CUED, 1988.